Leg & Glute Explosion: 7 Power Moves for Lower-Body Bliss

Leg & Glute Explosion: 7 Power Moves for Lower-Body Bliss


FitWay24 is a fitness community dedicated to helping individuals achieve their fitness goals. If you want to tone and strengthen your legs and glutes, we invite you to join us on a journey to lower body bliss with our Leg & Glute Explosion workout.

Our Leg & Glute Explosion workout is an intense routine of seven power moves carefully crafted to tone and strengthen your glutes and legs. We believe that each exercise is an opportunity to explore and push the limits of your physical capabilities, and with our workout, we aim to help you unleash your inner strength.

Our mission is to support you in reaching your fitness objectives, and our Leg & Glute Explosion workout is an excellent way to achieve a solid and well-defined lower body. So, if you are ready to take the first step on your journey to Lower-Body Bliss, we invite you to join us and make every step count!

Unleash the Power Within: Transform Your Legs and Glutes with our Leg & Glute Explosion Workout

It is a common observation that most women’s quadriceps muscles are more robust than hamstrings and glutes. This is because the quads are used in most lower-body workouts. However, working twice a week is okay if you feel your legs need more attention.

It is essential to focus on the weaker areas of your legs to strengthen and symmetrically shape them. You do not need to isolate your quads with exercises, as compound movements like squats and lunges provide enough exercise for these muscles. Use heavy weights to strengthen and define your legs while performing these exercises. However, moderately heavy weights would be more appropriate if your goal is to maintain and chisel your legs.

Performing each exercise in a set is recommended, taking only a short break to catch your breath before moving on to the next set. Following these tips and working on your weaker leg muscles can achieve a more balanced and robust lower body.

1. Dumbbell Sumo Squat:

Draw your shoulders back and down to keep your heels on the ground and your weight centered.

How to:

  • Stand with your legs double shoulder-width apart, legs turned out from your hips.
  • Hold a dumbbell with both hands in front of you, arms straight, and draw your shoulders back.
  • As you lower into a deep squat, bend your knees, tracking them over your toes.
  • When your hip crease breaks parallel, rise back to the start and squeeze your glutes at the top.

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2. Bulgarian Split Squat:

Don’t pitch forward with your upper body; stand tall and straight to best work your glutes.

How to:

  • Hold a set of dumbbells at your sides and stand several feet away from a flat bench with your back to the bench.
  • Extend one leg behind you, placing it laces down on top of the bench, and center your weight between your feet.
  • Lower until your hip is even with or slightly below your front knee, and your rear knee almost touches the floor.
  • Reverse the move and rise to the start.
  • Do all reps on one side before switching.

3. Stability-Ball Wall Squat:

Your torso should stay upright the entire time. If you’re leaning forward, move the ball down a bit more between the wall and your back at the start.

How to:

  • Place a stability ball between a wall and your mid-back and step your feet forward about a foot so you can see your toes in front of your knees if you look down.
  • Hold a set of dumbbells at your sides and stand tall so your torso is vertical.
  • Bend your knees and roll the ball down the wall, descending until your thighs parallel the floor.
  • Reverse the move and rise to the start, squeezing your glutes at the top.

4. Bench-Assisted Sissy Squat:

For this exercise, the only movement should be your knees, bending and flexing like in a leg-extension machine.

How to:

  • Stand next to an upright bench and grasp it with your nearest hand.
  • Shift your hips forward while keeping your back straight, and slightly rise off your heels.
  • Your body should make a straight line from your knees to your head.
  • Maintain this straight line as you bend your knees and slowly lower them toward the floor in front of you, levering on the balls of your feet until your shins are about parallel to the floor.
  • Reverse the move and rise back to the start.

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5. Jump Squat:

Think of yourself as a spring, coiling and exploding with each repetition. Try to string the reps together evenly, and remember to breathe.

How to:

  • Stand with your feet hip-width apart, toes turned out about 10 degrees.
  • Lower into a deep squat where your hip creases below your knees, and reach your arms forward.
  • Explode from the floor and leap into the air as high as possible, throwing your arms backward and generating as much upward force as possible.
  • Land softly and repeat right away.

6. Switch lunge:

This move is pretty aerobic, so remember to breathe and rest enough to fully recover before starting your next set.

How to:

  • Stand with your feet in a wide split stance, with your arms reaching straight forward from your shoulders.
  • Bend your knees and lower into a deep lunge, erecting your forward knee over your toes and torso.
  • Explode from that most profound point, leaping into the air and switching lead legs at your apex.
  • Land with your opposite leg forward and go immediately into the next repetition.

7. Sprint:

How to:

  • Set up two cones 25 meters apart in a vast open space.
  • Stand next to one cone with one foot forward, one foot back, up on your toes, and ready to explode from the “blocks.”
  • Sprint as fast as you can, pumping your arms and driving forward with your knees to speed from one cone to the other.
  • Walk and catch your breath, then repeat.

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